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Senior Care News

Welcome to the Provident Care Senior Care News, your trusted source for the latest insights, tips, and resources on aging and elder care. Whether you’re a family caregiver, a senior looking for support, or simply interested in the well-being of your loved ones, we are here to guide you.

How to Approach a Cancer Diagnosis with Your Senior

In case of cancer in seniors, it is critical to ensure high quality, round-the-clock patient care.

In case of cancer in seniors, it is critical to ensure a high quality, round the clock patient care. It is also advisable that a multidisciplinary approach for care is followed, as there is a high co-morbidity burden in case of cancer. In most of the stages of cancer the patient is advised to be at home only, so home care services are very effective for the patient. A round the clock home care professional can observe, monitor and take care of the patient according to their needs. Moreover, a companion for your loved one is an effective way to keep up their morale and take a burden off you and your family.

Treatment Planning

There are many factors apart from aging, when the treatment plan is created by the professionals for your loved one. The overall health condition plays a vital role in the due course, even has a greater impact than just their age. The best cancer treatment plan for a senior depends on several conditions like, specific diagnosis, general health condition, other medical conditions, and mental health of the patient. Even the lifestyle of your loved one with the social surroundings also play a significant role in the due course of treatment plan.

Yet, there are more challenges involved with seniors. It is better to know the challenges beforehand. The important key points other than medication of the treatment plan are:

  • Nutrition intake and eating habit
  • Daily task help requirements
  • Activity level
  • Other health issues
  • Vision and hearing concerns
  • Cognitive abilities
  • Memory issues
  • Hospitalisation history
  • Recent and ongoing medications
  • History of seizures if any
  • History of fall
  • Family circle
  • Mental health
  • Health priorities and treatment goals

Treatment Options

You should know all the available options for your loved one before deciding any particular cancer treatment. There are several cases where a patient or his family was not offered every treatment available. Although there are some due concerns as well like side effects for seniors, senior cancer patients sometimes receive minimal treatment or no treatment at all or are not invited to any cancer clinical trial. No matter the calendar age, the patient always has the right to know the treatment option available and to decide the right one with the help of doctors.

Conclusion: How to Approach Cancer in Seniors

The main concern for a senior having been diagnosed with cancer is to maintain a round the clock observation. The more social and busy your loved one will be, the greater the chances of minimizing the effects of the disease. In such cases, home care services can be beneficial not only for the patient alone but also for the entire family as the professional reduces the day to day load from the other members. The expertise helps the patient to be on the right track of the treatment throughout.

Call us today and review your options for home care!


If you or an aging loved one is considering home care in Manteca, CA, please contact the caring staff at Provident Care Home Care today at (209) 578-1210.

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